(articles arranged most recent to oldest)



"It's Time to Stop Waiting for the Interurban" by Walt Crowley.
A regional off-road transit plan is long over due in the Seattle area, a 'yes' vote on the RTA plan is in everyone's best interest.
[November/December 1996]

"RTA: On the Wrong Track" by Aaron Ostrom.
A new mass-transit plan slams progress into reverse.
[April/May 1996]


"Regional Transit: Round Two," by Andy Bauck.
Re-evaluating the Regional Transit Plan after defeat at the polls.
[Aug/Sept 1995]

"Some Straight Poop on the Light Rail Initiative," by Brian King & Mark Gardner.
A look at the Regional Transit Plan.
[Feb/Mar 1995]


"Reach Out and Crash Into Someone," by Mike Blain.
Blazing new information highways, millions of car phone users put safety on hold.
[June 1993]

"Tunnel-Visioned Rail Opponents Can't See the Light," by Free Press staff.
Opponents of light rail in Seattle win Dufus of the Month award.
[May 1993]

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