Don't ... Stop ... Thinking About the Secretary of Compost

Despite Mixed Reviews, Clinton's Early Record is Impressive - We Should Get Behind Him

by Mark Worth
The Free Press

As promised, Bill Clinton has been as prolific during his first three months in office as FDR was in his fabled first 100 Days. To the added benefit of the country, however, Clinton hasn't been limited to dealing merely with economic affairs; quite the opposite, Clinton's reforms are all over the political, social and environmental map.

Though many people probably would disagree, we think Clinton's first quarter has been an amazing display of willpower, wisdom and sincerity - all during a time in US history said to have the worst economic problems since the Depression, and cursed by allegedly intractable social and environmental difficulties.

From what we can tell, Clinton hasn't let himself become paralyzed by how bad things seem to be. He appears to be more concerned with carrying out the promises he made during last year's campaign. And with only a few admittedly nagging exceptions, he's doing it.

For those who haven't been keeping track, here's a list of reforms - in no particular order - that the Clinton administration has either already carried out or currently is pushing. (When you get to the end, you'll see why we think it's important that you recognize and, where appropriate, praise Clinton's handiwork.)

These are just the things we know about. Pretty amazing, particularly when you consider that we're not talking about the Bill Clinton of 1978, when, during his first term as governor of Arkansas, he managed to alienate almost every interest group in the state with his cavalier, get-out-of-my-face political style.

It's 1993 now, and we're dealing with the new compromising, conciliatory Bill Clinton. Even still, he is standing up to the country's challenges and his detractors aggressively and vigorously.

His first three months have been virtually monopolized by un-screwing up what the Brothers of Doom spent 12 years screwing up. It is critical that we acknowledge Clinton's early accomplishments. Here are a few reasons why:

Don't get us wrong - we're not trying to deify the guy. Clinton's waffling on the Haitian immigrant issue, flip-flopping on the middle-class tax cut, continued support for the Strategic Defense Initiative, handing cabinet-job gifts to sleazebags Ron Brown and Lloyd Bentsen, capitulating on the proposed energy tax, and his cronyist approach to political appointments all are disturbing. He must be reminded that we are watching him. As gratuitous opposition must be avoided, so must blind support.

But we think these missteps are greatly outweighed by Clinton's worthy programs. In our view, Clinton has elevated himself far above the Lesser-of-all-Evils label of last fall's campaign.

Left-wingers are great at fomenting opposition. But with a liberal in the White House, now's the time to generate some positive vibes.

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Contents on this page were published in the May, 1993 edition of the Washington Free Press.
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