Don't Blame Menstruators for Being Environmental

I have just read Andrea Helm's editorial "Don't Blame the Earth's Environmental Problems On My Vagina" (Issue 5, Sept '93).
When I wrote an article for Seattle Voices in July, called "Sanitary Products Threaten Health & Environment," I wasn't trying to guilt-trip women into buying products they aren't comfortable with because of some gender-duty to save the world. I only wanted to open up discussion on the topic of disposable menstrual products - which happen to be harmful to women's health as well as the health of the planet.
We need to discuss what goes into these products. Tambrands, makers of the popular Tampax tampons, admit that there are trace amounts of dioxin in their tampons. Although they do print a partial listing of the ingredients of their tampons, it is by no means a complete list - this has been confirmed by the Food and Drug Administration.
We need to discuss our support of an industry that is more concerned about profits than the health of women who use their products. Case in point: the high-absorbency tampons which caused Toxic Shock Syndrome weren't taken off the market until years after the researchers proved the connection. And women are still contracting TSS!
We need to discuss all the options available to us as menstruating women, and I would welcome Andrea Helm's comments as part of this discussion if she hadn't completely dismissed the validity of the products she condemns. Not only do her comments insult those of us who do use and enjoy reusable menstrual pads, she could have squashed the curiosity of other women who have started to think about their menstrual options.
I agree with two of the points Ms. Helm makes: women should not be pressured into a role of sole saviours of a damaged planet, and $74 is a lot of money for a handful of pads. Fortunately there are some non-organic pads available for $12 per package. And I commend Ms. Helm on her extraordinary efforts to help the environment.
What I don't agree with is:
Ms. Helm's conclusion is that "female-owned companies can rip you off just as bad as can a male-owned one." While this may be true, my conclusion is that a woman can stifle attempts at intelligent discussions of menstrual products as effectively as can a public relations team from Tambrands.

Liz White

Alternative Depressed

Let me congratulate you for the quality and insightfulness or your paper. I had begun doubting the possibility of seeing something like this in Seattle, where the "alternative scene" seems to have been monopolized by ever-more disappointing and superficial journalistic experiments.
After the disappearance of the Community Catalyst, I really felt the need of a paper which still has the political and social courage to discuss issues which, unfortunately, are generally dismissed in our capital-driven society as naive and too idealistic.
Keep up the good work!

Oskar Vallaza

Harper's Bizarre

I am interested in receiving the most recent issue or two of your publication. As an editorial assistant at Harper's Magazine, I am always looking for new, unusual or provocative material. Thanks for your help.

Jim Nelson
New York City

Encouraging Words

I am very glad you exist. Having read a recent issue, I enjoyed very much your column on media matters and the coverage you give to issues like the
Chateau Ste. Michelle boycott (starting in Issue 2 May '93) and firing of the Tacoma journalist who was active on gay rights (Issue 4, July/Aug '93). You definitely provide the investigative edge that is sadly lacking in Seattle's media. Keep up the good work.

Louise Foresman

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Contents on this page were published in the October/November, 1993 edition of the Washington Free Press.
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