Dear WFP: Enjoyed your article on Doug Wood, solar inventor. May I suggest that he find 10 groups (environmental businesses; Wash. State Energy Office, etc.) and have them invest $150,000 each for his $1.5 million dollar project. His great ideas make me wish I had $1.5 million. It would be his to use.
Thanks again,
Mark S. Hughes
Seattle, WA

Please see Another reader response to the Doug Wood article

To the Free Press:
Paul Wright ("Three Strikes Rack's 'em Up,"
August/September WFP) is identified as "a guest of the state at Monroe Reformatory." If that means he does not currently have pass-out privileges, I heartily recommend that when he does - and pray to God this fine mind is not hobbled with three strikes against him! - it be recommended he take over as executive editor of one of our current untimely times, Seattle, New York or whatever. Maybe newspapering and media-ing can be gotten back to what counts, the real issues, and the people who count, that is all of us.

I would note two things: Perhaps in your pages it was earlier noted that hanging did not eliminate pick pocketing, though I'm sure it made the pickpocketers smarter. The other, from all places, was the UW alumni magazine Columns that spoke lucidly on a kindred theme to some of the things Paul Wright is saying. And it pointed out that unless the root causes of crime are addressed soon, 2025 (?), everyone in this Land of the Free will either be in jail or on the police force watching them.
And just think that if a few more of us at this late date would quit laundering our tax returns and pay them in full openly and honestly, providing funds for a mandate for doing something about poverty and joblessness and sub-poverty marginal jobs, and illiteracy...
I'm glad you're here, WFP. One of our dilly dailies or weaklies (sic, sic) should buy you out lock, stock, and barrel and without editorial intrusions run you as an unexpurgated Sunday supplement - even in those throw-away freebies that they're now cluttering the mailboxes of good-conscience protesting non subscribers with. That might go a long way toward solving their ulcer-causing problem of declining circulation.
Wesley D. Johnson
Seattle, WA

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Contents on this page were published in the October/November, 1994 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
Copyright � 1994 WFP Collective, Inc.