You can be a Nader Nominator

"A vote for Bill Clinton is telling him that it doesn't matter how far to the right he'll go. Personally I'd like to defeat Bill Clinton and destroy the Democratic Party. When will be the right time? We have to take the step. It's going to be painful. But if not now, when? It will only be harder and worse four years from now."
If those words got you saying "right on!" to yourself, you might want to show up at Gasworks Park on Saturday, June 29, for Washington state's Ralph Nader presidential nominating convention. Whether or not he helps put Nader in the White House, campaign co-chair Deran Ludd (author of the above words) says the effort has enormous practical value.
"The whole idea is to inject topics into the debate that are being ignored - corporate welfare, abuse of the land, abuse of political system, discussing the fact that the two main parties are really the same party, and so on."
Washington's liberal election laws require a presidential hopeful to gather a mere 200 signatures to get on the state's general election ballot in November. Interested folks need only show up between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and sign their name. Important note: you must know the address where you are registered to vote.

For more info, contact the Draft Ralph Nader for President campaign at (206) 789-8730, by e-mail at [email protected], or on the Web at

The Nader for President campaign was covered in the WFP last issue, please see:
"Drafting Saint Ralph"

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Contents on this page were published in the July/August, 1996 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
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