Issue Number 25 January/February 1997

Cover Art by John Ambrosavage


Boom Town

Less Care, More Profits

Don't Ask, Don't Recruit

"You've Come the Wrong Way, Baby"


American Newspeak Awards

Dollars Per Vote

Popular Protest, Seattle Style

Harvey Pekar, B.C. (Before Cancer)

Clueless in Bellingham


Reader Mail Actual letters from actual readers.

Quick Hits Small stories about big news.

Free Thoughts Opinions we couldn't keep to ourselves.

EnviroWatch How humans treat their surroundings, each other, themselves.

Working Of and relating to labor.

reported and compiled by Doug Collins.

Spike, the Rabid Media Watchdog The poop on the local information industry.

Compiled and edited by Free Press staff.

Northwest Books Regional writers in review.

literary reviews by Kent Chadwick

Reel Underground Your guide to experimental film.

film reviews and calendar by Paul D. Goetz.

Cartoon by Ron & Emily Austin.




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Contents on this page were published in the January/February, 1997 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
Copyright � 1997 WFP Collective, Inc.