(articles subdivided and arranged most recent to oldest)


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CITY OF SEATTLE and vicinity.
KING COUNTY and surrounding counties.
UNITED STATES and North America.

CITY OF SEATTLE (and vicinity)

"The Rise and Fall of Jon Mattox" by Todd Matthews
An honest cop killed himself; was departmental hazing to blame?
[July/August 1998]

"Port of Seattle: Inadvertent Exhumers" by Suky Hutton
Construction on Seattle waterfront unearths Duwamish ancestors
[July/August 1998]

"Media Monsters in Seattle" by Cameron Chapman
Your guide to who owns what we see, read and hear in the Emerald City.
[July/August 1998]

"Un-Americanism in Seattle" by John Ruhland
The University of Washington, possibly the birthplace of McCarthyism, now shows some remorse.
[May/June 1998]

"The Digressive Movement" by Matt Robesch
Since when are restaurant art and TV commercials more important than protecting the ozone layer?
[May/June 1998]

"The Municipal Bushwacking Incident" by John Hoffman.
Falsely arrested in a protest? A local activist explains how you can sue City Hall.
[March/April 1998]

"Watching the Watchmen" by Georgi Page.
Copwatch 206 patrols the CD.
[January/February 1998]

"You Also Have the Right to Eat" by Laura Bierce.
Volunteer group at odds with authorities.
[January/February 1998]

"Whose Museum is This?" by Georgi Page.
Dialogue stalled at African American Heritage Museum
[January/February 1998]

"Anatomy of a Story" by Mark Gardner.
For years, the Seattle independent press has carried the Nordstrom redevelopment story while local dailies looked the other way.
[January/February 1998]

"Watershed Event or Status Quo?" by Scott Denburg.
Logging Seattle's Cedar River watershed supply.
[November/December 1997]

"Three Feet Under" by Anna Mockler.
Filling apparent wetlands for playfields at Magnuson Park.
[November/December 1997]

"With Friends Like These..." by Doug Nufer.
Watershed survey designed to make no waves.
[November/December 1997]

"Down and Out in BINMC" by Helen Wheatley.
Residents and bicyclists need a say in inustrial zone planning.
[November/December 1997]

"Vote Yes on Proposition One!" by Rebecca Kavoussi.
Families and Education Levy up for renewal
[September/October 1997]

"Voter Bliss in the September Primaries" by Free Press staff.
WFP picks in the six key Seattle races.
[September/October 1997]

"An Open Window for Democracy in Seattle" by Mark Gardner.
Seattle slumps toward the future with little more than inertia and smugness to guide it.
[July/August 1997]

"Police Beat" by Doug Collins.
The untold stories of day-to-day police misconduct.
[July/August 1997]

"The Consequences of a Cup of Coffee" by John C. Ryan and Alan Thein Durning.
Excerpted with permission from Stuff: The Secret of Everyday Things.
[May/June 1997]

"Raising Your Rates to Subsidize Big Biz" by Nick Dreyer and Megan Cornish.
This important story on Seattle City Light rate hikes was actually turned down for publication in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
[May/June 1997]

"The Speakeasy's Back Room Lounge" by Laura Lee Bennett.
A community crossroads for the arts.
[May/June 1997]

"Streets Fight, Coliseums Rule" by Doug Nufer.
If new stadiums are built, will the streets still get paved?
[March/April 1997]

"Ending Professional Sports Welfare" by Nick Licata.
Citizens for More Important Things hope to put Initiative 16 on the next ballot.
[March/April 1997]

"Writer House Menaces City-dwelling Suburbanites" by Doug Nufer.
Neighbors are opposed to turning mansion into writer education center.
[March/April 1997]

Busted Bike Ride by Karen Johanson.
Seattle police seem to consider bicyclists the new public safety problem.
[March/April 1997]

"Pinkertons Take the Fifth" by Doug Nufer.
Musicians strike against Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
[March/April 1997]

"Seattle's Downtown Boom" by John V. Fox.
The price of corporate welfare in Seattle.
[January/February 1997]

"Rice Subject of HUD Investigation" by Free Press staff.
The Mayor of Seattle wants to head the same federal agency investigating him for fraud.
[January/February 1997]

"Taking the Union out of the Tenants Union" by Doug Collins.
The City stifles housing activism.
[September/October 1996]

"Trouble in the Ebony Tower" by Georgi Page.
Earl Debnam battles the African American Museum's new slick image.
[September/October 1996]

"Learning the ABCs of MCS" by Diana Tener.
Bainbridge Island students suffer in "sick" school buildings.
[July/August 1996]

"Curses Again" by Mark Worth.
Can UW officials be stopped from pulling the KCMU News Hour off the air?
[July/August 1996]

"Sandpoint Wrangling Continues" by Matt Robesch.
Update on the Muckleshoot Tribe's efforts to secure the former Sand Point Naval Station.
[July/August 1996]

"Microsoft Buys Trout Farm's Water Rights" by Matt Robesch.
Update on the McIntyre vs. Microsoft case.
[July/August 1996]

"Changing Times" by Mark Worth.
Reviews of Rites of Passage: A Memoir of Seattle in the Sixties by Walt Crowley and Generation at the Crossroads: Apathy and Action on the American Campus by Paul R. Loeb.
[April/May 1996]

"Getting More Bang For Your Ballot" by Herm Ross.
Seeking true democracy, backers of proportional representation want to change the way members of the Seattle City Council are elected.
[April/May 1996]

"The Field of Schemes" by Doug Collins.
Public responsibility flies out of the ballpark as sports moguls load the bases - with cash.
[December/January 1996]

"Laidlaw to Seattle School Bus-Drivers: Go to the Back, Sit Down and Shut Up" by Gloria Hubacker and Doug Collins.
Drivers' best hope for getting a pension plan now lies with the Seattle School District.
[October/November 1995]

"Court Ruling Upholds Seattle's Tenant Relocation Ordinance" by Jon Gould.
Cash and 90 days notice for displaced tenants now guaranteed.
[October/November 1995]

"Graft in Seattle's Recent Past" by Doug Collins.
Review of On the Take: From Petty Crooks to Presidents by William J. Chambliss.
[October/November 1995]

"Who Says Seattle is a Progressive Town?" by John Fox.
A pre-election look at the City Council.
[Aug/Sept 1995]

"Sherry Harris: People's Candidate or Landlord Lackey?" by Lisa Herbold.
Coucilwoman sucks up to the city's elites.
[Aug/Sept 1995]

"In the Bag," by Doug Collins.
How Nordstrom gets its way with the Seattle City council.
[June/July 1995]

"Seattle Commons, or Park Ave?" by Bernard Regier.
Seattle planning policy = destroy low income housing for private profit.
[April/May 1995]

"Why isn't there a Single Tenant on the City Council?" by Mike Blain.
The owning class rules Seattle.
[Feb/Mar 1995]

"A Little In, A Lot Out," by Doug Collins.
How campaign donors often receive lucrative city contracts.
[Feb/Mar 1995]

"Electoral Reformers Seek City Council Shake Up," by Brian King.
Increase democracy through porportional representation.
[Feb/Mar 1995]

"Axed" by Mark Worth and Mark Gardner.
UW administrators want to think their plan to eliminate the school's Environmental Studies Institute is just a monetary decision. Think again...
[December/January 1995]

"The Spray-Paint Zone" by Mike Blain.
How Seattle zoning laws were massaged to allow a commercial painting facility to operate in a residential neighborhood.
[December/January 1995]

Q&A: Reverend Robert Jeffrey interviewed by Bill Lyons.
Community activism, revitalizing business, and Campaign 5000.
[October/November 1994]

"Microsoft Suggests Redmond Change a Few Laws" by Matt Robesch.
Update on software giant's building practices.
[October/November 1994]

"City P-Patches Help Feed Low Income Residents" by Holly Borba.
Innovative 'Lettuce Link' program gets fresh produce to the people.
[August/September 1994]

"Lords of Seattle" by Doug Collins.
When city officials are part of the landlord class, conflict of interest can't be far behind.
[June/July 1994]

"Commonosaurus Rex: Time to Die Off" by Eric Nelson.
The Seattle Commons has all the momentum of a monster.
[April/May 1994]

"Nuclear Nazis" by Eric Nelson.
Illegal tests are okay as long as the government knows about it.
[February/March 1994]

"The Empire Strikes Back: The Case of John Anderson" by Rua Kelly.
More Seattle Police Department misbehavin'.
[February/March 1994]

"City Taken to Task for Its 'Wimby' Failings" by David Hirning.
Seattle officials fail to walk their talk.
[December/January 1994]

"Affordable Housing In the Seattle Commons" by C.R. Douglas.
the Housing Coordinator for the Seattle Commons Committee defends the plan.
[December/January 1994]

"Seattle Commons Update" by Mark Worth.
Is this really 'affordable' housing?
[December/January 1994]

"The Mean Season Comes to Washington" by Mark Gardner.
The recent surge of intolerance and conservatism belies our state's warm-and-fuzzy reputation.
[October/November 1993]

"Sidran, City Show Their True Colors" by Mark Worth.
Seattle officials seek to outlaw homelessness.
[October/November 1993]

"Real Life" by Doug Collins.
Stories from the street.
[September 1993]

"Questioning the Commons" by Mark Gardner.
A slew of critical, if not disturbing, questions have yet to be given serious consideration by Commons developers.
[September 1993]

"Seattle Commons 'Volunteer' Effort" by David Hirning.
Just how 'grassroots' is it?.
[September 1993]

"SPD Loses, Citizens Win" by Mark Worth.
Cop self-inspection system is reformed.
[September 1993]

"A Matter of Fairness" by Matt Robesch.
Awarding the Sand Point Naval Base to the Muckleshoot Tribe isn't only logical, it may just be required under the law.
[September 1993]

"SPD Rejects Auditor's Ideas to Improve Investigations of Cop Misconduct" by Mark Worth.
Running of Seattle Police Dept. continues to generate controversy.
[July/August 1993]

"Operation Nightwatch," by Neal Herbert.
'Ministry of Presence' searches Seattle streets to save the homeless.
[July/August 1993]

"City to Study 'Wimbys'" by David Hirning.
Valuable city program seeks expansion.
[July/August 1993]

"Disco is Dead, But Bigots Still Hustle Hate," by Diane Schiefelbein.
In 1978, 38% of Seattle voters said 'no' to gay rights; What'll happen in 1993?
[June 1993]

"When Cops Investigate Themselves," by Mark Worth.
The results don't always come out the way you'd think. Here's Why.
[June 1993]

"Auditor to SPD: Changes Needed to Build Public Trust," by Mark Worth.
A list of reforms and ideas for making the SPD an immaculate public service provider.
[June 1993]

"Tunnel-Visioned Rail Opponents Can't See the Light," by Free Press staff.
Opponents of light rail in Seattle win Dufus of the Month award.
[May 1993]

"Plug Gets Pulled on Utility Image-Makers," by Free Press staff.
Puget Sound Power & Light told to put some bite into its conservation ad campaign.
[May 1993]

"Cops (Screw Up) In Seattle," by Free Press staff.
Stupid cop tricks.
[April 1993]

KING COUNTY (and surrounding counties)

"King County to Master Gardeners: Twist in the Wind" by Doug Nufer
Efficiency is confusion as bureaucrats scramble to cover budget cut-back.
[July/August 1998]

"King County Lacks Good Swamp Sense" by Anna Mockler
Greed and ignorance overrule wetland science.
[May/June 1998]

"Muckleshoot Tribe to Loose Sacred Sites" compiled by Lindsay Brown.
Treaty rights threatened in Huckleberry Mountain land exchange
[November/December 1997]

"It's Time to Stop Waiting for the Interurban" by Walt Crowley.
A regional off-road transit plan is long over due in the Seattle area, a 'yes' vote on the RTA plan is in everyone's best interest.
[November/December 1996]

"RTA: On the Wrong Track" by Aaron Ostrom.
A new mass-transit plan slams progress into reverse.
[April/May 1996]

"Professional Sports for the Professional Class" by Nick Lacata.
Is the luring of pro sports teams just another form of corporate welfare?
[April/May 1996]

"The Meter is Up" by Hill, Schiller, Ferro.
It's time for a green parking policy in King County.
[October/November 1995]

"Urban Sprawl Pushes Farmers to the Limit" by Helen Wheatley.
King County Council member wants to turn farmland into light industry complexes.
[October/November 1994]

"For Whom the Road Tolls" by Mark Gardner.
The 'New Partners' program could undermine mass transit, drain the public treasury, and cost commuters a bundle .
[June/July 1994]

Q&A: Mary Alice Theiler interviewed by Andrea Helm.
She's a progressive... and soon she'll be running the King County Bar Association.
[June 1993]


"Sabotage or Free Speech?" by Roger Valdez
Olympia activists opposing anti-sedition law attempt to get arrested.
[July/August 1998]

"Public Debate Confused and Heated" by d. baronov
I-200 backers paint a healing vision of racial harmony.
[July/August 1998]

"Plum Creek Land Swap Goes to Washington" by David Atcheson
report from the Board President of the Pacific Crest Biodiversity Project (PCBP).
[May/June 1998]

"A Different Kind of Drug Enforcement" by Nick Dispoldo
Some drugs you can't even buy, but the state can make you take them.
[May/June 1998]

"The Price of Power" by Eric Nelson.
Energy deregulation may shock consumers and environment.
[March/April 1998]

"Sex Trade Workers Organize" by Rebecca Kavoussi.
Lawsuits filed in WA State and Minnesota; labor union formed in California.
[January/February 1998]

"WFP's Picks and Pans for Vote '97" by Free Press staff.
Get to the polls on November 4!
[November 1997 -- online edition only]

"Anti-Labor 'Boeing Bill' Goes Down in Flames" by Mark Worth.
A rare triumph for the labor community.
[May/June 1997]

(May/June 1997)

  • "An Olympian Mess on the Peninsula" by John Gorrell
    Single industry towns having trouble in transition.
  • "Enviro Blurbs"

    "Don't Ask, Don't Recruit" by Michael Dedrick.
    Public schools give military recruiters a dishonorable discharge.
    [January/February 1997]

    "The Red-taping of Healthcare" by Lisa Cheval.
    Alternative health proponents meet the insurance empire.
    [November/December 1996]

    "The Craswell Capers" by Mark Gardner.
    Those zany things this election's Republican gubernatorial
    candidate did when she was but a wee zealot in the State Legislature.
    [November/December 1996]

    "You Can Be a Nader Nominator" by Free Press staff.
    Want to help put Ralph Nader on Washington State's 1996 Presedential ballot? Here's something you can do.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Historic Tracts" by Carlos Schwantes.
    A look at Washington's pioneer labor reform press - when journalism met activism.
    [July/August 1996]

    "A History of Agrarian Activism" by Kent Chadwick.
    Review of Rural Democracy by Marilyn P. Watkins.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Drafting Saint Ralph" by Andy Bauck.
    A coalition tries to bring a wider choice to the '96 election.
    [April/May 1996]

    "Madness in Olympia," by WFP staff.
    A legislative hall of horrors.
    [April/May 1995]

    Secretary of State Denies Ballot Spot to Initiative by Mark Gardner.
    Initiative 641 could be the first step to National Referendums, but Philadelphia II, the initiative's organizers are having trouble at the state level.
    [April/May 1995]

    WFP Forum: Revitalizing Politics in Washington State
    "Restoring Trust in Government" by Cal Anderson.

    WA State Senator representing District 43.
    [December/January 1995]

    WFP Forum: Revitalizing Politics in Washington State
    "Revitalizing Politics: A Labor Perspective" by Rick Bender.

    President, Washington State Labor Council.
    [October/November 1994]

    WFP Forum: Revitalizing Politics in Washington State
    "A Vision of the Future" by Beth Doglio.

    Executive Director of the Washington Environmental Political Action Committee (WEnPAC).
    [October/November 1994]

    "Fighting the Far Right" by Mark Gardner.
    The political left is cornered and on the defensive. But effective campaigns and the adoption of new strategies by progressives may turn the tide.
    [August/September 1994]

    "Muckleshoot Tribe's Patience is Tested" by Matt Robesch.
    Continued wrangling over who gets the land at Sand Point Naval Base.
    [August/September 1994]

    "Political Log-Jam at Deer Creek" by Kurt Beardslee.
    Logging's effects on one Western creek.
    [April/May 1994]

    "Legislative Reality Bites" compiled by Free Press staff.
    Here's a sampling of the activity from the 1994 session of the WA state Legislature.
    [April/May 1994]

    "Disorder in the Court: Sick Boeing Workers Face Judicial Hurdles" by Eric Nelson.
    A Free Press investigation into Boeing workers' exposure to dangerous chemicals.
    [February/March 1994]

    "Beware the Business Climate" by Mark Gardner.
    Behind this innocuous-sounding term is an effort to roll back environmental regulation and shift laws away from protecting people and toward protecting business.
    [February/March 1994]

    PolicyWatch (February/March 1994)

  • "Final Flight?"
  • "Questioning Incarceration"
  • "Growing Small Business on the Peninsula"
  • "New Environmental Thought"
  • Policy Resources

    "More Reasons to Worry About Hanford" by Eric Nelson.
    WFP obtains new documents.
    [December/January 1994]

    "Another (Yawn) Local Election" by Doug Collins.
    Analyzing voter apathy.
    [December/January 1994]

    "601 In Hindsight" by Mark Gardner.
    Another look at the controversial initiative.
    [December/January 1994]

    "NAACP Bombing Suspect: Like Father Like Son?" by Mark Worth.
    Hate as a family value.
    [September 1993]

    "The Ex-Oregon Lawmaker and the Iran-Contra Fugitive" by Free Press staff.
    Local politician defends scandal and corruption.
    [July/August 1993]

    "William Goodloe: He Keeps Coming and Coming..." by Free Press staff.
    The former state Supreme Court Justice wins the coveted 'Dufus' award.
    [June 1993]

    UNITED STATES (and North America)

    "The Digressive Movement" by Matt Robesch
    Since when are restaurant art and TV commercials more important than protecting the ozone layer?
    [May/June 1998]

    "The National Debt and Trickle-Up Economics" by Kit Conrad
    Who pays the interest on the debt? The middle class and the nearly poor.
    [May/June 1998]

    "To the Spoiler Goes the Victory?" by Rob Richie and Steven Hill.
    Green Party uses a new tactic to make electoral waves.
    [January/February 1998]

    "'Saving' America's Forests" by Roy Keene.
    New Congressional bill doesn't help much.
    [January/February 1998]

    "A Tale of Two Bombings" by Kate Bradley.
    The little-discussed connection between the Gulf War and the Oklahoma City bombing.
    [November/December 1997]

    "Violence Workers" by Bo Richardson.
    Shall we add a new category to the national census?
    [November/December 1997]

    "How Moon Gave Bush a Golden Parachute" by Norman Solomon.
    Bush's post-Presidential activities benefit Rev. Moon.
    [September/October 1997]

    "To (c) or Not To (c)" by Doug Nufer.
    Federal nonprofits can be more trouble than they're worth.
    [July/August 1997]

    "Freedom of Information? See You In Court!" by Doug Collins.
    Big organizations attract lawsuits over difficult public-records access.
    [July/August 1997]

    "Our Company, Starbucks" by Bruce T. Herbert.
    A Starbuck's Shareholder describes the difficulty of making a corporation live up to its word.
    [May/June 1997]

    "The Left is Right..." by Mark Gardner.
    ...and it can regain influence if it learns to communicate again with the "Average Citizen."
    [May/June 1997]

    "Dollars Per Vote" by Norman Solomon.
    Making cents of '96 election expenditures.
    [January/February 1997]

    "Rice Subject of HUD Investigation" by Free Press staff.
    The Mayor of Seattle wants to head the same federal agency investigating him for fraud.
    [January/February 1997]

    "Don't Ask, Don't Recruit" by Michael Dedrick.
    Public schools give military recruiters a dishonorable discharge.
    [January/February 1997]

    "Conspiracies of Hate" by Kent Chadwick.
    Review of Conspiracies: Real Grievances, Paranoia, and Mass Movements by Eric Ward.
    [January/February 1997]

    "Creative Prospecting on the Intellectual Property Frontier" by Doug Nufer.
    Artists, writers and inventors in the age of mass market.
    [September/October 1996]

    Q&A: Michael Moore interviewed by David Hirning.
    Guerilla filmmaker and creator of 'TV Nation' gives us the scoop on his new book.
    [September/October 1996]

    "Nuxalk Sovereignty Ignored" by Matt Robesch.
    New confrontations planned as land dispute heats up.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Clearcuts and Corporate Welfare" by David Atcheson.
    Sweetheart land deals and bailouts hide the true cost of corporate logging.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Taking the Blood out of Money" by Carolyn Stevens and Doug Collins.
    War tax resisters refuse to pay the military bill.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Bob Dole Says 'Hello'" by John Ambrosavage.
    When Ambro met Robo-Candidate.
    [July/August 1996]

    "Drafting Saint Ralph" by Andy Bauck.
    A coalition tries to bring a wider choice to the '96 election.
    [April/May 1996]

    "Public Loses Out as Radio 'Gold Rush' Reaches Frenzy" by Norman Solomon.
    Deregulation + consolidation = bad news for America's radiowaves.
    [April/May 1996]

    "BC Natives Want Trees, Not Treaties" by Matt Robesch.
    The governments of Canada and British Columbia refuse to own up to the promises of a colonial king.
    [February/March 1996]

    "Teenage Wastelands" by Vivian Sharples.
    The U.S. Army is using Seattle's public schools as a captive audience for recruitment.
    [February/March 1996]

    "The End of Compromise" by Roger Brian Valdez.
    Environmental politics in the Year of the Newt.
    [October/November 1995]

    "Letter to the Democrats" by Mike Layton.
    A recent fundraising letter from the Democratic Party generates this response.
    [October/November 1995]

    Election '94 Catches Reformists Napping: Three Perspectives on the Election From Hell
    (December/January 1995)

  • "Ain't No Mandate When Half the Voters Stay Home" by Matt Robesch
  • "Let Them Eat School Prayer" by Mark Gardner
  • "Insurance Industry: 1, The People: 0" by Brian King

    "National Referendums in the U.S. ...Why Not?" by Matt Robesch.
    Other countries get to vote on what their nation does. Why don't we?.
    [October/November 1994]

    "Weed & Seed Three Years On" by Brian King.
    Three years later, more weed than seed.
    [October/November 1994]

    "Three Strikes Racks 'em Up" by Paul Wright.
    Baseball slogans masquerade as social policy.
    [August/September 1994]

    "Fighting the Far Right" by Mark Gardner.
    The political left is cornered and on the defensive. But effective campaigns and the adoption of new strategies by progressives may turn the tide.
    [August/September 1994]

    "With Friends Like These..." by Mike Blain.
    In the wake of NAFTA, the rift widens between organized labor and the Democratic Party.
    [June/July 1994]

    "Timber Lobbyists Seek to Axe Legislative Reforms" by Kimberley L. Crawford.
    What happens when the timber industry sees unfavorable legislation on the horizon...
    [April/May 1994]

    "Sick Workers Get Attention of Lawmakers - At Last" by Mark Worth.
    Chemically sickened workers get a boost up from State Legislature.
    [April/May 1994]

    "Project Isaiah and the Revenge of 'Whoops'" by Eric Nelson.
    Recycling plutonium isn't an environmental boon.
    [April/May 1994]

    Washington Free Press Special Report:
    Guns and Society
    [December/January 1994]

  • Can't Control People? Try Controlling Guns by Mark Worth.
  • Who We Are and How We Die by Eric Nelson.
  • Teaching a World Without Guns by Andrea Helm.
  • 'Second Amendment' Arguments: Bankrupt and Just Plain Wrong by Doug Collins and Eric Nelson.
  • The NRA: Loading up the Campaign Coffers by Free Press Staff. Here are some of the National Rifle Association's favorite targets for campaign contributions in the Washington State Legislature.
  • Wilder Than the Wild West by Doug Collins.
  • Gun Advocates: What They're Saying by Free Press staff. Quotes you should hear.
  • Gun Control: What's In, What's Out by Free Press staff. Here's a sampling of what gun-control measures have made it on the books over the past decade or so, and some of those that were proposed but didn't make it.
  • Fun Gun Facts by Free Press staff. Statistics you cannot ignore.
  • Get Involved Want to work for stronger gun control? Or help stop violence in your community? Or, if you own a gun, how to use it safely? Here are a fews of the many organizations and agencies that can help you get started.

    Q&A: Alan Gottlieb interviewed by Mike Blain.
    President of the Second Amendment Foundation.
    [December/January 1994]

    "The Feds' New War of Drugs" by Kaz Murphy.
    Fearing that nature may be hazardous to your health, the FDA tries to crack down on dietary supplements.
    [December/January 1994]

    "The Covert Tree Agency" by Free Press staff.
    Shady dealings in the US Forest Service.
    [December/January 1994]

    "What's So 'American' About Killing Each Other?" by Mark Worth.
    Nothing, really, but we seem to keep getting better at it.
    [December/January 1994]

    "Search & Seized: The Kafka-esque World of Civil Asset Forfeiture" by Daniel Johnson.
    Will the government's practice of snatching money and property from innocent people become the first casualty of the war on drugs?
    [October/November 1993]

    "Local Offender Describes Frustration" by Daniel Johnson.
    How an accomplished professional and father lost his property.
    [October/November 1993]

    "U.S. Attorney Nominee: Open to Change?" by Daniel Johnson.
    Will a defense attorney make a difference as appointed prosecutor?
    [October/November 1993]

    "Trial Lawyers Flex Muscle in Beltway" by Free Press staff.
    Influencing national politics.
    [October/November 1993]

    "Waco Investigator Knows How to Cover it Up" by Free Press staff.
    Attorney General Janet Reno's top advisor is a master clean up artist.
    [September 1993]

    "A Matter of Fairness" by Matt Robesch.
    Awarding the Sand Point Naval Base to the Muckleshoot Tribe isn't only logical, it may just be required under the law.
    [September 1993]

    "How U.S. Tobacco Snuffs Out Taxes, Health Reforms" by Free Press staff.
    The astonishing power of America's deadliest enterprise.
    [July/August 1993]

    "Bill's Baghdad Bombing Pormpted by Politics, Popularity" by Mark Worth.
    The new president picks up where the last one left off.
    [July/August 1993]

    "Real Republicans Seek the Common Good," by Kent Chadwick.
    Review of Community and the Politics of Place by Daniel Kemmis.
    [June 1993]

    "Four Decades of U.S. Support For Nuclear Power = $475 Billion," by Free Press staff.
    Huge financial needs and poor returns make nuclear power a huge bust.
    [June 1993]

    "Reagan-Bush Policies Top 'Censored' List," by Free Press staff.
    Project Censored releases its new Top 10 list.
    [June 1993]

    "Bankers Cheer Profits, Blast Regulators at Industry Confab," by Free Press Staff.
    Reagan-era de-regulation not enough for the ultra-rich.
    [June 1993]

    "Infamous 'Inslaw' Case Has WA State Connection'," by Free Press Staff.
    Wife of key player under investigation for running drug lab.
    [June 1993]

    "Don't... Stop... Thinking About the Secretary of Compost," by Mark Worth.
    Despite mixed reviews, Clinton's early record is impressive - We should get behind him.
    [May 1993]

    "Myopic Media Need New Yardstick to Measure Presidential Success," by Free Press staff.
    Mainstream media more interested in political opposition than political success.
    [April 1993]


    "Good Medicine for Cuba" by John Ruhland.
    Despite a US blockade, Cuba has kept alive an effective and humane healthcare system.
    [November/December 1997]

    "Made in the U.S.A.?" by Phil Kaplan.
    The story of Saipan, where labor abuses flourish under the U.S. flag.
    [July/August 1997]

    "The Consequences of a Cup of Coffee" by John C. Ryan and Alan Thein Durning.
    Excerpted with permission from Stuff: The Secret of Everyday Things.
    [May/June 1997]

    Media Beat: by Norman Solomon.
    When "Economic Freedom" Bars Chewing Gum.
    [March/April 1997]

    "One Crack Agency" by Norman Solomon.
    Central Intelligence operatives turn a blind eye to cocaine trafficking.
    [November/December 1996]

    "How to Think Globally" by Davis Oldham.
    The true cost of economic growth.
    [November/December 1996]

    "Nuxalk Sovereignty Ignored" by Matt Robesch.
    New confrontations planned as land dispute heats up.
    [July/August 1996]

    "U.S.-Mexico Military Ties: Unexamined and Growing" by Norman Solomon.
    U.S. role in suppressing the Chiapas rebellion has stayed in the shadows.
    [July/August 1996]

    "BC Natives Want Trees, Not Treaties" by Matt Robesch.
    The governments of Canada and British Columbia refuse to own up to the promises of a colonial king.
    [February/March 1996]

    "Fair Wage and Green Movements Take On Free Trade" by Mark Gardner.
    Labor and environmentalists unite over NAFTA and GATT.
    [June/July 1994]

    "GATT: Rich Men Attempt to Officially Take Control of Everything" by Matt Robesch.
    Beware corporations that treat themeselves as sovereign nations.
    [June/July 1994]

    "APEC and the Shape of Things to Come" by Doug Lauen.
    When the dignitaries and reporters finally left Seattle, did the innocence of the Northwest go with them?
    [December/January 1994]

    "APEC and the Politics of Trade" by Eric Nelson.
    Anyway you pitch it, the name of the game is profits 'the world over'.
    [December/January 1994]

    "Fear and Loathing at the Anti-Intervention Conference" by Mark Worth.
    Want to know how to organize against U.S. imperialism? Well, here's how not to do it.
    [December/January 1994]

    "Was George 'Poppy Boyington' Bush a War Criminal?" by Free Press staff.
    Did ex-prez commit war atrocities?
    [September 1993]

    "Bill's Baghdad Bombing Pormpted by Politics, Popularity" by Mark Worth.
    The new president picks up where the last one left off.
    [July/August 1993]

    "Reagan-Bush Policies Top 'Censored' List," by Free Press staff.
    Project Censored releases its new Top 10 list.
    [June 1993]

    "Slaughter in El Salvador and the US' Blind Eye," by Free Press staff.
    The UN frowns on human rights abuses in El Salvador.
    [May 1993]

    "The Shell Game," by Free Press staff.
    Zapped by US regulators, the 'no pest strip' finds new life in Mexico.
    [May 1993]

    "The Guns of China," by Free Press staff.
    Reagan-Bush policies opened floodgates for Chinese weapons in US.
    [May 1993]

    "The CIA and the Sheikh," by Free Press staff.
    How a schizophrenic foreign policy led to deadly domestic terrorism.
    [May 1993]

    "Creeds Made Deeds," by Ruby Steele.
    Armies of the church - not of nations - are needed in former Yugoslavia.
    [May 1993]

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