Behind the Scenes - #21 Apr/May 96
The Organization

The Washington Free Press is published bi-monthly by The Free Press Collective, a worker-owned cooperative.

The Collective: Andy Bauck, Mike Blain, Doug Collins, Mark Gardner, Brian King, Eric Nelson, Matt Robesch, Jenny Schmid, Mark Worth
Staff Writers: Kent Chadwick, Lance Davis, Paul Goetz
Staff Cartoonist: John Ambrosavage
Staff Illustrator: Jim Gibbs
Art Director: Margaret Flynn

Contributing Writers: Rebecca Adrian, David Atcheson, Richard Jackman, Mary Ann Kae, Nick Licata, Aaron Ostrom, Herm Ross, Norman Solomon, Lauren Tozzi
Contributing Artists & Photographers: Dick Lande, P. Kylen-Mitchell, D'Artagnan Moore, Tom Tomorrow, Matt Wuerker, Kim Wolston
Contributing Editor: Frederick Mead

Design (print version): Andy Bauck, Mike Blain, Margaret Flynn, Mark Worth
Design (on-line version): Matt Robesch

Writers and artists are encouraged to submit their work. Please do not send originals.

Subscriptions are $12/year (6 issues).

Copyright � The Free Press Collective, 1996

We encourage groups and individuals to reproduce contents of The Free Press, though we ask that you contact us first and give credit in any printed, electronic or spoken material.

Opinions and letters to the editor herein do not necessarily represent those of the publishers or advertisers of the Free Press.

The Washington Free Press prints 10,000 copies per issue. For information about advertising in our paper, please email [email protected]. We offer a standard 10 percent discount to nonprofit organizations.

Your suggestions, criticisms and otherwise random thoughts are encouraged, either by phone or in a letter to the editor.

How to reach us:

Washington Free Press
1463 E. Republican St. #178,
Seattle, WA 98112, U.S.A.
[email protected]
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Contents on this page were published in the April/May, 1996 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
Copyright � 1996 WFP Collective, Inc.