Named the State's Best Non-Daily Newspaper by
the Washington Press Association

Issue Number 21 April/May 1996

Cover Art by Jenny Schmid

Brave New Economy

In the Pits

Playing Hard Ball

The Radioland Mergers

Marrying Gay


Getting More Bang for Your Ballot

Drafting Saint Ralph

RTA: On the Wrong Track

In Defense of Rocky Brook


First Word Ideas that cut through the BS.

Reader Mail Actual letters from actual readers.

Working Of and relating to labor.

reported and compiled by Doug Collins.

EnviroWatch How humans treat their surroundings, each other, themselves.

Spike, the Rabid Media Watchdog The poop on the local information industry.

reported and compiled by Eric Nelson.

Hearing Aids Your musical guide.

Thoughts on music by Lance Davis.

Northwest Books Regional writers in review.

literary reviews by Kent Chadwick and Mark Worth

Reel Underground Your guide to experimental film.

film reviews and calendar by Paul D. Goetz.

Quotes of the Month Things people said.

Toons! [NEW!] a cartoon by Marian Henley




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Contents on this page were published in the April/May, 1996 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
Copyright � 1996 WFP Collective, Inc.