Police Beat
The Untold Stories of Day-to-Day Police Misconduct

by Doug Collins
The Free Press

No, this is not the Police Beat column you'll see in a number of local papers, the column which allows the Seattle Police Department (SPD) to voice its own version of events in law enforcement. This is just the opposite. It is a select compilation of actual citizen complaints against police recorded by the SPD internal investigations section. Police watchdog John Hoffman spent years obtaining these documents via Washington State Public Disclosure law (RCW 42.17, see other article on this page.) The following complaints date from the years 1991 to 1994. More recent complaints are not available due to a time lag in receiving them from the SPD. Names have been blacked out by the SPD.

We hope that the Free Press is not construed as being anti-police because of this article. The people in blue perform many useful and heroic deeds, but they are also capable of misconduct. This misconduct is an underreported topic. The following documented allegations hopefully help bring to light the discontent that the public sometimes feels with police. The current dispositions of these complaints are not currently available to the Free Press, but local researchers like Hoffman are encouraged to press for these and investigate further.

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Contents this page were published in the July/August, 1997 edition of the Washington Free Press.
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