Issue Number 28 July/August 1997

Cover illustration by Jim Gibbs


Made in the U.S.A.?

First Word:
An Open Window for Democracy In Seattle

Idaho Activists Feel the Squeeze

Police Beat

Welcome to Niketown


The Media's Love Affair With "Free Trade"

Freedom of Information? See You In Court!

To (c) or Not to (c)



Free Thoughts The Red Herring Phenomenon

by John Bennett.

Reader Mail Actual letters from actual readers.

EnviroWatch How humans treat their surroundings, each other, themselves.

Working Of and relating to labor.

reported and compiled by Doug Collins.

American Newspeak Orwellian language and euphemism in corporate media.

Compiled and edited by Wayne Grytting.

Spike, the Rabid Media Watchdog The poop on the local information industry.
reported and compiled by Steven Hill and Eric Nelson

Northwest Books Regional writers in review.

literary reviews by Kent Chadwick and Robert Pavlik.

Reel Underground Your guide to independent film.

film reviews and calendar by Paul D. Goetz.

Cartoon Page 'Toons by John Ambrosavage, Matt Wuerker, and Ron & Emily Austin.




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Contents this page were published in the July/August, 1997 edition of the Washington Free Press.
WFP, 1463 E. Republican #178, Seattle, WA -USA, 98112. -- [email protected]
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